

Insurance eligibility verification is the most important and the first step in the medical billing process. Research confirms that most of the claims are denied or delayed due to inadequate or incorrect coverage information provided by the patients during visits and current coverage information not updated by the office / hospital staff. This lack of or improper insurance eligibility verification directly impacts the reimbursements.

Why opt for insurance eligibility verification

Insurance companies regularly make policy changes and updates in their health plans. Therefore, it is important for the medical billing company or the provider to verify if the patient is covered under the new plan to get maximum reimbursement. Confirming the insurance coverage facilitates acceptance of the claim on the first submission, whereas non-verification leads to several discomforts like rework, decreased patient satisfaction and increased errors other than causing delays and denials.

At QuantumQRCM, we understand the importance of insurance eligibility verification.

Help in Increasing Revenue

Minimize delays and denials considerably

Improve collections by reducing write-offs