
Physician credentialing and provider enrollment services is a process of enrolment and attestation that a physician is part of a Payer’s network and authorized to provide services to patients who are members in the Payer’s plans. Credentialing verifies that a physician meets standards as determined by the Payer by reviewing such items as the individual’s license, experience, certification, education, training, affiliations, malpractice & adverse clinical occurrences and clinical judgment.


Effective provider credentialing services provider credentialing services are the absolute necessity for better performance of the practice. Without proper enrolment, payments can be delayed or refused by the insurance carriers, even if the physician is able to provide services that are competent and medically necessary.

We at QuantumQRCM offer Physician credentialing services, helping Providers achieve better revenues. Our tailor-made provider credentialing services facilitate the payer enrollment process when a Physicians

Help in Increasing Revenue

Minimize delays and denials considerably

Improve collections by reducing write-offs

Different Payers have their own set of forms to be filled either online or through paper applications. Once submitted, there should also be diligent follow-up with the Payers to ensure that the provider credentialing process is completed in the shortest time so that the revenues are not impacted.